why do we expect much from ppl? why do we want more than we will get from our loved ones? why do we not show enough love to the ones we love? why cant we express ourselves fully to them? why oh why oh why??
during the first days of any relationship, the words of friendship love and etc etc will be exchanged simultaneously and then as the days go by slowly.. these words and showings get lesser and lesser and then comes a stage that just the name remains.. nuthing else.. but how do longer relationships survive? the survival of these relationships is a secret and to maintain a relationship, you have to know that secret and then apply it so that u wont lose a loved one..
man.. i dunno what im writing here.. dont know if its even making sense.. so.. dont mind.. just wanted to write sumthin..
~ i love talking about nothing. it is the only thing i know anything about ~
One Rule to be happy in life is expect less from people.. its something related solely to you.. n you try to gain everythin by urself.
A relation is a bond. A relation doesnt depend upon the number of times u touch, you kiss, you meet, you talk (the so called loveable words).. it depends on a feeling.. if that feeling exist, a relation could fly far..
hi xef ,r u trying to tell sumthing u have experienced.Then i wud say u have learn a lot thru even one relationship..so try to forget abt that relationship and cherish the lessons..never ever forgot those valuable lessons u got for urself,then i bet ur future will be blissful n happy..i wish u all the best and be happy with wut u have ..like me :-) so in one sentence i wud say Give more n expect less ...so u will never have to regret later ..yours luving sis like frnd DEM..cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers
XefroX, u seriously need to get laid, dude ;)
evan i have to say u have a got good expirience in ur life time think about it and and go on ur life.don't don't give any chance to exprience that kind of thing again in ur life time
my frin in life time we will fall in sevrls time but dont look back.stand with new hope with the aim of brighter futre and clean the sand in ur hands and evre whre while cleanig the sand think why this sands are in my hand coz of what probleam i was fallen. think about it and take a good lession from it and be in faith and go on with ur life. move to ur dream target i sure u will win. IF U WANNA TO BE THE WORLD FOR A BETTR PLACE TAKE LOOK AT UR SELF AND MAKE A CHANGE.
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