Many times we have a preset idea of what should be 'right' and how the conditions should be. Children with their agile mentality are more open for trying different approaches and exploring new angles to what is so familiar to us adults. It is so natural for kids to refuse the concrete boundaries adults so often jail themselves in.


Monday, September 25, 2006


no one can remain serious and depressed their whole lives.. to tell the truth.. most of our lives just pass like that in fun.. hanging out with frends.. listening to music or just reading a decent book.. and when ever a moment comes like that u have nuthin u like to do.. u think its boring and that its the end of the world.. these serious and heartbreaking moments teach lessons to each of us.. how to move on with our lives.. and u have to pass those depressing times with a lot of patience.. and ofcoz u get hope when u share with ure frends.. life isnt always ha-ha hee-hee.. but its also about hard times and how to cope with those.. so dont lose faith and always try to go through those times with the help of ure frends and ure own thots.. always think positive.. coz that could make u happy again.. and a better and less stressful life is the most important thing needed!

Thanks to mini

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