So about Ihma, I met her from MAPS wen i was doin Business Admin Centficate class..At first i tot she is like..uhmmm...hehe lets say a b**** hehe..hope u mind it..:P
and i tot she is like laachaaru bichaarah hooorey kinda GAL..hehe..n she has nothin to worri in her life..kudaminun life akee koncheh kan ves neygeyney..hehe
"we cant judge a book by its cover" right? she is the opposite..yes..I became close to her from the group studies from then i knew lot abt her..not only me..the pple around her too...
About her i would say she is (foni nuvaathi) one example of friend. She care about her friends, since she has limited time to go out...She have sumtime to visit them. How can i 4get the hard days she spent with me..Thank you ihma. I remember Mariyam Ahmed( Shifla) My so called X yoo, telling me she dont like ihma n kinda tellin me not to b with her reason is becox she dont like. her...hehe...if she dont like let her b..why me dho..hehe
Today I dun have MAriyam Ahmed but still i have that friend. Once again thank you ihma, u r the gr8est
N how can i 4get her gr8 work of her to make me PASS from IQM qhich i neva pass b4..hehe
N how can i 4get her alerting me to wish my x gf on our aniversaries..hehe..
This is only abt me..She is the same for all of her friends.
Becox of all these she deserve a treate to appriciate. n there we arrange the Ihma and freinds..went soo smoothly n enjoyd..n thanks all whom came. Thanks to Saixan, Farish, Shara, uxair, Arshi, Shafaz, Faiha, Zily. Special thanks to Zaeeem who join us lately n had a gr8 time with us..hehe..
And yey...hehe thanks to shara for my b day present after 1 month 26 days later..hehe thanku..hehe..
Wish Saixan n her gf Happy aniversary
Wish Uxair n her gf Happy aniversary
Wish Faiha Happy belated b day..pheeeeeeeeew
cheeeers god bless ihma n wish u all the best
wish her a very happy b' day.. =)
happy birthday ihma.
welcum...shara kihaa rangalhutha?ehaa dhus kohffaves dheefeemehnnu =p
happy b' day ihUma
hapi bdayy ihmaa
happy bday ihma!
Thanxx to all of you...hehe
im glad that i am you're friend... cx i cud never get a friend like you even if i swim deep in the ocean...heheheh :oP...
asluves dho ihma....v cant get a fredn like xeff... =)
i wont say anythin abt ihma
dont know anything about ihma but all i can say is is happy b day
happy b lated b day
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