This time im gonna share one of the school class trip.
Since we study Fisheries science, we had to go some island and do some research of fisherman and fisher woman.
It was a Friday. We all fisheries student gathered to school (dharumavantha) 5 early in the morning. Luckily all of 10dee class i belong, was present. Not a single person was absent. That was one soo cool thing about that trip. So about 6 we went to jetty area to load the stuff to dhoani and load our self...hehe...

After one hour ride we reach our destiny. Since i have not been in a island recently i was so excited to explore the sunny side of life..hehe.. As i jump offf from the dhoni i notice that the habour was very badly damaged by the 2004 Tsunami. slowly i walk to the worst damaged area. My Fisheries Science Teacher came to me and said this place was very nice when she visited last time before tsunami. That was the First time to wittness the tsunami effected area. This is just the begining. Read more...

After a while the headmaster of Huraa school arrive. He took us to Huraa School. While we was on our way he showed some historical places which was effected by Tsunami. Even there was some houses in re-building process..
First we went for the survery. It was soo much fun to interview with some old cool people. We had a little chitchat. Most of the time i remain in a question mark. They use soo many "professional"
After that we had the breakfast. We spend one and half hour on survey. After that we took some break for the Friday prayer. Went for the Friday prayers and we started. Next on our schedule was to snorkel. So we changed our uniform
We have to walk in the sun till we reach beach. It was a sunny hot warm desert day...hehe...Felt like we all are walking in a desert.
Then after that...we start our journey to beach...hehe...the teacher took us to boat yard area. While we went they was working on one of dhoani. it was big and it was a "kavi" work...Again i say...aiy theri vadaamakee ehaame udhagooo ehaame nurahkaahves kamekey...
Soo after all these walk we went for snorkeling..I was doing some

So after that...We went back to huraa school where our belonging were kept...we had our evening`"koththu" and we packed our bags...Since there was 30 mins and some freinds took a little tour. Saw the huraa "kulhi" it was big nice..but looks like its gonna vanish very soon...hehe...part of it look like gondu.
Thank you Ms. Arthy, Tommy, ibbe sir and all. N thanks Mausooma medam...Now i end this...hehe..cheeers..

nice post ;)
nice post
mini men huraa ah dhiyafaharu hehe
hurihaa photo thakeh netah ery!
molhennu :P
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