Many times we have a preset idea of what should be 'right' and how the conditions should be. Children with their agile mentality are more open for trying different approaches and exploring new angles to what is so familiar to us adults. It is so natural for kids to refuse the concrete boundaries adults so often jail themselves in.


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Asluves mithanuga ulheyveykah neiy

Asluves mithanuga ulheyveykah neiya
geyeh kuyyah dhevuneema nimunee "mal'e" ge rahvehinnah..
mi post liyamun dhaa iru ves vaarey vehemun dhanee...geyge fenvaru molhukamun e fenuge ihusaas eba kurevey mithanuga inna iru ves
Bodu aguga rent ah ulhey beyfulhunnah ingeynee ulhevey haalu ves dho.. eygen ekaku mee ves...
Adu assavaa

Mi ulhey geyge bodu minake 20 foot 10 foot. Rent agakee 6500 . Komme akas..roof badhalu kuran jehenee ves rent ah ulhey baeh. amilla haradhuga.eyaa ekoh kuli ves bodu kohllla. heevaa kahala laari ohenee ey dho..keke

Komme akas xef miulhey geyaa in vegen innanee Real owners house. Electric meter board, fen motor, Water meter and hurihaa echeh ves hunnanee egeyga...ege hunanee goalho gandeh hen..

komme akas mi fahun mi v gothakee..current bill anna iru bill maa bodu vey eba...emmen ge loa amaazu v mi nikamethi alhah. reason is i never OFF the laptop. ehen vejjeyaa past few months ga ves evaru aran jeheyne dhetho

kan hingi goiy then mi reykaalanee.
geyge fen motor power down vaa irah house owner gein eba current dhey...then shakku vegen balaali iru ..!!!
fen motarah current nagaafa inna thanun mi hiry geyge veri faraathuge haandhaanah current nagaafa...komme akas varah sirrun varah makaru veri gothakah...

Redhand koh ekan hifi namaves aharumenah kureveynee keeeh??! They are sick!!


.mini said...

dhen fahun keeh kuree eyna ah?

Subtle Hues said...

whats the point in cheating? :S if they cant pay their own bill, rent bodukureema maa reehchehnu. atleast i think its better than cheatin like that

yaittey said...

a-holes eh? dhen kihinehvee emeehun bust veema???

Shafraz said...

mini: issue akah ekan nahadhan!! hadhaafeeyyyaa beyru ves kohlla faane enu ..hehe

Spark of silence: yeah...the thing is they want to eat from everywhere

Yaittey: aaan hama hole thakeh...kameh kureveykah nethema nukuran..
number one: they r close naighbours O
secondly they r owners...they can throw us away any time they want..kyhkuraanee dho..

House agreement ga onnanee payment vaahaka ekani..keke

motion said...

rajjetherey meehun mulhi umuru dhuvahu kuraa massakai midheyn jeheny maley meehunna. emeehun athun fain kuraa massakkathei nei. laari eheragen libeny viyya.

ge tinun hadhaafa ves kuyyau dheefa elibey laarin mulhi gehadhaa eba.
hadhaanimuneema evy beyrukollhan, noony annekka bodu aguga kuyyau dheyn.

keekuraany male nais ulhevey kau nei viyya.
kiyavan viyas mithnau.
medication auvess mithanau.
id card hadhdhan viyas mithanau.

gaumu control kuran beynun kuraa maumoonu ge hikumaitheri reyvun mi-ee.

s!LenT said...

haadhahaa vaa cheat kuran molhey dho....

Shaari said...

thee haadha gotheh fotheh neiy baekey dho. ekamu ehen thaneh hoadhan balaa iru eyeeves faseyha kameh noon dho mihaaru. sad situation u're in. have u tried talking to the owner about the electricity thing?

thewildhunter said...

Dont worry.. ther's a day, they will realise what they did.. and they will get the best punishment for that..

Haris said...

xef men madun tibeytie ey.. nikan gos emeehaa nagaafa hooruvaalabala :P keke just kiddin

shweetikle said...

sheeesh! =\