hmm so...
all my friends and ex-friends
When we are counting days of our life, we meet people. People who later categorize in different ways. Some special, some close, some best, some juss hi-bye friend.
We face hard times and soft times.
We start new chapters while we "THE END" the previous chapters of our life.
During all these stages we get to meet so many, different kind of people. Some cuties, some hoties, some handsome, some inteligent vageyraa vageyraa...
Some part of our life we have to say good bye to some. Sometimes they just leave the foot prints and leave you.
Most of the time there wud be a reason behind the gudbye. Most common reason can be "cheating"
There are times friends cheat on you
There are times which the closest person cheats on you
Every time it happen, the next thing gonna be "revenge"
Friends and ex
We have a limited life line.
Live every moment here to your heart’s content
The time that is here may not be tomorrow
No matter how they treat on you. How much they hurt you and your feelings.
As for me. I have met some very few. There was time i was hurt by them. Even I wanted to get the revenge.
Things changed.
Right now I just want to say that, I have no hard feelings for them. No matter what they did.
There is no reason for this post. But to let some of them know about this before its not too late.
Sorry If I have hurt anyone. Thousand appologeeez :D
Thank you for reading :)
Yours faithfully xef
friends and EX ey ineema heevany ex girlfriends are liyefa henn :P
what you've said is true, but! what made you change your mind? you left that lil important information
umm..first of all, sorry if i have hurt you in neway o.O
and if i had been hurt by you, i forgive you :P
walking away is the thing you know..instead of revenge i mean!
*eye roll*
(learnt that from one tree hill)
nice post..and love the picture =)
hope everythings fine by the way..
wow... Is this some kinda confession???
Nywayx, cool post... =D
mini: hehehe..answer is simple "Life is short"
Shweetu: thanks lots munshidhaa :)
shaha: hhehh aan dho...thanks
Thanks all for commenting
well... rangalhu vaahaka eh... no nyd of revenge kanneynge aslu.. u dunno wen the world is gonna end....
smile... =D
u've never hurt me til now..ekamu..either way ..i forgive u :]..oh and ..sowwii if i ever hurt u in neway x] x]
slect all... copied... pasted... sent to all my contacts in my e-mail.. ekeke... goood one duude :)
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