First : Eid Mubaaric to all the Muslim brothers and sisters all over.
As you scroll down you will see "Real life buddiz" and "blog buddiz". Blog buddies are people I have met through blogsphere Real life ones are people I have met so far and my friends who already keep on bloggin.
Meyga vi Ali kuri noorakee maley Oagaave dhiri huri baarakee thiye
As i go back there are some very kewl people i have met so far from blogsphere. Like shweeet-butterfly, mini, cappi, i-kko, bulhaa. I have met them in different places in different ways...and hope to meet others too .
Since im in a very bloggy mood will tell how I met them too...keke..
Cappi, styx, ammu: Used to read those blogs specially cappi. I met them from a freind of mine naifariyaano. Later we became, close, closer, closest pals(three different posts)
Binnan edhey thiyaee maley Meyga vi Ali kuri noorakee maley
shweet... first i saw shweet and mini in a ajaibu kuranivi gothakah (click and read)..then shweet called me in a ajaibu kurani gothakah (click and read)..and she invited for a tharaavees (click and read) and i met her from there.
.mini: *copy paste the first line of how i met shweet* ...then after she winning TheFuraavaru Riddle contest, I met her from there.
i-kko: First saw her and yaittey from atheena cinema. It was 2007 Ramazan. Even from there I met Ruba too..
bulhaa: I Was searching for some creative mind to design girl set of Furaavaru- Teen TV show. and there i met her...
i think thats all...hehe...
Vindhaa hithaa gulhaalee, fari vee nayaa maley
Today I announce Lilly and Muuthi as Real life buddiz...yeyey...
and here goes how I met them...
As usual I used to read their blogs, later got contact from MSN. First met muuthi and later her friend lilly. From lilly I met her mom...hehe...I would say her mom can still be cetogorise under "teen age"... cool one..keke..and after some days later on November 17th Met them. They came to my place to see shammu and shaadhin before they say "alvidhaa" and there I met the blogger muuthi(findi) keke and lilly
Hedhi foadhi nala gas gahugaa, folhunas kithamme maleh maa
Thiyanoon maleh dhen, beynun netheye
Insaafakee koba tho maaburuge maamaley
Pheeew...btw nice to have all of them blogged before for later refference dho..keke...anyways...cheeers alll...
Meyga vi Ali kuri noorakee maley Oagaave dhiri huri baarakee thiye...
Turn ur Speakers on
thee dhen kon kameh! dheythere dheythereyn lava kiyun i mean :P
yeap! varah visney ingey! fahah visnaa dhariyeh! :P
keke.. teen aged mom.. hahaha...
sumtimes shes younger thn me.. keke
well well.. dhen konme akas real life blogger akah vefa thaa dho dhen miothy.. varah ves ufaa kohfin...
P.S. i miss shammu and shaadhin... shammu ge stories specially.. e dhekudhin and family ah aali ge salaan...
nice post dude.. well im also kinda chatting with muuthi ... v met in fb .. ( i addedd her (6)) mini ah add dhineema adhi v gotheh neyngiggen miulhenee :P yes mini mini :P.. xef akeeves alhugandu varah thaaeed kuraa blog ge veriyeh kan dhanavan ..:)
nooney not valentine!!!!
handhaan nethunee dho? mulhin dheravejje!!!!
i won some, other thing
what did i win? :S
but not valentine thing! that was munshi eh noontha?
aan, handhaan vejje!!!!!!!!
kommes riddle eh!
shweet salhi ey bunebala then ves song..keke
lilly..ehem ehem...yeah dho...
dhiboy ahaa..thanks for letting me know dat...cheers buddy
ohh shit...sorry...olhunee..kekek...u win that riddle thigyy rite..kekeke...thanks for that n sorry..hehe..
thanks all for ur comments..thanks..cheeers
haadha molhu gothakah oih post ekey! lol
salhi lava eh ingey! ;)
Nice nice ..:P
U called me a FINDI :[ Now upload my CARD :P Findi XEF GANDU!!
annnd thankew :P
annd u ask lilly ...am realli not good at starting convers for le first two or three times i see someone!! annd thats NOT being FINDI :[
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