Many times we have a preset idea of what should be 'right' and how the conditions should be. Children with their agile mentality are more open for trying different approaches and exploring new angles to what is so familiar to us adults. It is so natural for kids to refuse the concrete boundaries adults so often jail themselves in.


Friday, November 06, 2009

Anhen veringe BOA!!!

aslu mi anhen verin haaadha vareh hureyey boa koshan..!! adhi ehaa varu hunna kameh isthashi gandu ge vaahaka dhekkun...hadhan beynun goi o hadhaafa in goi o hadhan beynun vefa nuhedhifa huri style thakah....

then mihen ulhey iru zaaiy zaathuge saloon thakah gos boa koshamun kudin kudin dhuve ves hadhaa...

aslu mi vaa gothakee...kamaa kan fashaa..appointment hadhaigen saloon ah gos boa koshaigen ayas...balaa meehakah neygey meenee kameh koffa kameh ves...unless she mention abt it =P

sooo mee hama miadhu hama hithah eri echeh..hehe...cheeers alll


Isra Saudulla said...

bala..anhen verin boa waraahhh dhigu koh ovva boa baalaigen aiyya ingeyne ennu..:P...ehen noonas ma bloah kiriyaa gotheh hedhiyas ehen myhunna ingey..

CuTie CheeekZ said...

keke.... anhenveringe bolaky egotha oley boleyekee :P =P ......

Anonymous said...

yes, talk about people who doesnt appreciate fashion and style.. haha.. xD

shweetikle said...

eyyy evarah boa koshaigen anna iru firihen kudhinnah neygunas anhen kudhinnah engeyney :P