2. hold her hand at any moment...even if it's just for a second
3. hug her from behind
4.leave her voice messages to wake up to..
5. when she is upset, holdher tight and tell her how much she means to you
6. recognizethe small things... they usually mean the most
7.if you are talkingto another girl, when you're done talking, walk over andhug her andkiss her... let her know that she's yours and they aren't
8. write her notes or call her just to say "hi'
9. introduce her to your friends...as your girlfriend
10. play with her hair :)
11.pick her up (she loves it even when she says to put her down)
12.get upset if another guy touches her and she doesn't like it
13.make her laugh :)
14. let her fall asleep in your arms :)
15. if she's mad at you, kiss her
16. if you really care about her, then (we all know this is a tough one)TELLHER :)
17.every guy should give their girl 3 things: a stuffed animal (she'llhug it every time she goes to sleep), jewellery (will treasure itforever)and one of his t-shirts(she'll most likely wear it to bed)and don'tforget to bring her flowers or something special once ina while
18. treat her the same around your friends as you do when you're alone
19. look her in the eyes and smile
20. hang out with her on weekends
21. kiss her in the rain (girls love this) :)
22. kiss her just for the heck of it
23. if you're listening to music, let her listen too
24. remember her birthday and get her something, even if it's simple andinexpensive, it came from YOU, it means the world to her
25. when she gives you a present on your birthday, or just whenever, take itand tell her you love it, even if you don't (it will make her happy)
26. always call her when you say you will, it may not seem like it, but itdoeshurt her and makes her think you don't care, so call even if you can onlytalk for a minute.
itz realy kool...beign a gal i wud say dat itz tru ;)
heheh..its really true....n btw the pic looks really nice...v v loabi..hehheeh.hey i can c ur face..hheheheh..i mean nail face;D
nice...info :) i like it
very true!
It's all true. It made me smile. I love it all. I have this necklace from my bf, and i've only taken it off once since he gave it to me for christmas. I get really jealous so the hugging thing after talking to other girls is good. I love getting my hair played with and getting picked up, but i do say put me down. It's all good.
Hmmm!! Now these are things, which I often did, one at a time. But feels good to see 'em at al on one page
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