Many times we have a preset idea of what should be 'right' and how the conditions should be. Children with their agile mentality are more open for trying different approaches and exploring new angles to what is so familiar to us adults. It is so natural for kids to refuse the concrete boundaries adults so often jail themselves in.


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Dream To Reality!

About a month back I saw this dream...A weird one..Its weird cox for the time...but today after a month later im living in that dream...but not weird anymore.

Dream was weird cox there was so many unanswered question but when the dream started applying to the reality i got the answers and everything im going through today is something which i have gone through in my dream...

Seriously strange but interesting.... true story...keke

5th May was one of the day... The Day our Boss resign from office. 

About her I believe that I wont find any one like that. She was such a cool and flexible Boss and there are several times that she saved our asss!! hehe seriously. There was hard times too...but the way she handle its cool.. She is with really good Leadership qualities. Hope she wont find this post..keke..

Btw i Just realized that I haven't talked about my office life hopefully I will come up with that.on next update. cheers pple :)

Graffiti by Afseen


emy said... funny,,congrats..

Adi said...

Saw you on my Cbox.. just visited your blog n found that I've once visited this before..
Keep up the good work! :)

Amina said...

LOL!! :P